At health centers and hospitals, the utilization rate of rooms and resources is often surprisingly low. Empty consultation rooms, underused equipment, and the constant juggling of schedules waste valuable resources. But what if all of this could be optimized to get more out of existing resources – without additional investments?
2 minutes
Resource optimization isn't rocket science, but the results can transform everyday operations
Author Ilari Laaksonen Feb 28, 2025 9:08:02 AM
Topics: resource management patient experience optimization healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare cost savings room assignment room utilization Axel Planner room management
1 minutes
Axel Health and Unitary Healthcare – why we are stronger together
Author Ilari Laaksonen Dec 11, 2024 9:03:31 AM
The vision and goal of Axel Health have long been to streamline and enhance the operations and planning of healthcare services. This goal took a significant leap forward in the summer of 2024 when we acquired the shares of Finnish company Unitary Healthcare Oy. But what does this mean in practice for healthcare professionals – both in Finland and Sweden?
Topics: patient flow management Axel system Axel Encounter patient experience healthcare service production digitalization in healthcare Uoma patient transfers
2 minutes
Patient transfers – simple routine work?
Author Teemu Kumpulainen Nov 7, 2024 1:21:25 PM
Patient transfers refer to situations where a patient is moved from one healthcare unit to another, for example, from one hospital to another or to a long-term care facility. These transfers are an essential part of healthcare workflow, and their success significantly impacts patient safety and the quality of care. While patient transfers might seem straightforward – find an available location and arrange transportation – in practice, the process is often much more complicated and stressful. In this blog, we delve into the challenges that can arise during patient transfers and how Uoma makes them smoother and safer.
Topics: patient experience digitalization in healthcare patient path reporting Uoma patient transfers
1 minutes
The elephant in the room: How to save on healthcare staffing costs?
Author Ilari Laaksonen Aug 27, 2024 10:00:49 AM
In the social and healthcare sector, personnel costs account for the largest expense, ranging from approximately 30-60% of the total costs, depending on the responsibility area. The shortage of frontline professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and therapists, poses challenges to improving cost efficiency. At the same time, automating administrative tasks offers significant cost-saving opportunities without increasing the workload of frontline staff.
Topics: Self service Axel Encounter patient experience healthcare service production digitalization in healthcare automation self-service solution roi calculator cost savings
1 minutes
Digital transformation in healthcare: A path to enhanced patient care
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jun 6, 2024 11:31:07 AM
As we explore cost-saving strategies in the healthcare sector, it's crucial to recognize the role of digital technology in revolutionizing patient care and operational efficiency. Digital transformation in healthcare isn't just about cost reduction—it's about improving patient experience and making healthcare operations more efficient and patient-centered.
Topics: Axel Planner patient experience healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare artificial intelligence AI
2 minutes
Benefits of digital door displays in outpatient care settings
Author Ilari Laaksonen Mar 6, 2024 1:51:29 PM
Digital door displays have become increasingly popular in conference rooms over the past decade. These displays make it easy to see when and for whom a room is booked, and making new room bookings is a breeze. Did you know that similar door displays are also used in healthcare, especially in outpatient settings? In healthcare settings, digital door displays provide a variety of benefits, and I will explore four key benefits in more detail:
Topics: patient flow management Axel Planner Axel Encounter healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare door display
1 minutes
Why self-service payments make sense in healthcare
Author Ilari Laaksonen Feb 6, 2024 12:47:42 PM
Patient fees can be a complex matter, no matter whether you're dealing with a private or public healthcare provider. These fees typically include both statutory and provider-specific charges, often capped at certain maximum limits. Payments may be collected entirely from the patients or partially covered by Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland), insurance companies, or other entities.
Topics: Self service Axel Encounter patient experience Axel Mobile Encounter digitalization in healthcare payment self-service solution
1 minutes
Revolutionizing healthcare resource planning: The AI advantage
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jan 30, 2024 2:09:35 PM
In the modern healthcare sector, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a pivotal role in transforming various aspects, from clinical procedures to population health management and diagnostics. One of the key advantages of AI is its capacity to improve administrative efficiency. By automating routine tasks, AI technologies free up healthcare professionals to focus on more critical aspects of patient care.
Topics: resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production artificial intelligence AI
2 minutes
Cut costs! 3 tips for cost savings in healthcare
Author Ilari Laaksonen Nov 1, 2023 4:15:53 PM
Public healthcare funding is facing challenges. In Finland, the Act on funding of wellbeing services counties makes the situation even more complicated for wellbeing services counties. In Sweden, inflation and rising interest rates have forced even the esteemed Karolinska Hospital to adjust its staff. Now is the time to cut costs, but how can it be done without compromising the quality of care? And how can Axel help healthcare organizations save even more?
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel system healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare automation wellbeing services counties roi calculator
2 minutes
7 essential tips for healthcare organizations tendering new patient flow management solutions in Sweden
Author Dan Lind Oct 12, 2023 12:15:22 PM
In Sweden, the digital transformation of healthcare is gaining momentum, and patient flow management is a common denominator among the regional councils’ priorities. As healthcare organizations modernize their core systems, the tendering process for patient management can seem daunting. We’ve put together this short checklist that simplifies your journey, steering your organization towards a solution that not only boosts operational efficiency but also significantly improves patient experience.
Topics: patient flow management Axel system resource management patient experience healthcare resource planning digitalization in healthcare self-service solution
2 minutes
Enhancing emergency operations through accurate reporting
Author Ilari Laaksonen Aug 31, 2023 10:26:45 AM
Automation and digitalization bring remarkable benefits and improvements to emergency services. They're not just elevating patient experiences and optimizing workflows but also saving invaluable time and resources. Can these advancements also contribute to crafting precise reports that push operational efficiency even further?
Topics: patient flow management Axel system Axel Planner Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path digitalization in healthcare automation emergency unit reporting analytics
2 minutes
The role of automation in emergency departments post-triage
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jun 19, 2023 10:29:45 AM
Automation in hospital emergency departments brings significant benefits to both patients and healthcare professionals. However, these benefits are not limited to triage. Automation also provides significant advantages in the processes that follow this initial evaluation. In this blog post, I continue from my previous write-up on automating the check-in processes in emergency departments, and we delve more into how automation can streamline operations and improve patient experience post-triage.
Topics: Self service Axel system Axel Planner mobile check-in Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path self check-in self-service kiosk digitalization in healthcare automation self-service solution emergency unit triage
4 minutes
How automation can help emergency units improve efficiency and patient experience
Author Ilari Laaksonen Apr 24, 2023 3:20:40 PM
Emergency units in hospitals are often busy and chaotic environments where patients require prompt attention for a wide range of medical conditions. One of the most critical parts of the emergency care process is the check-in process, which involves collecting patient information, assessing the severity of their condition, and prioritizing treatment based on urgency. However, the check-in process can be time-consuming, leading to longer wait times for patients and increased workload for hospital staff. In this blog post, we will explore how automating the check-in process can help emergency units improve efficiency and enhance the patient experience.
Topics: Self service Axel system Axel Planner mobile check-in Axel Encounter patient experience treatment path self check-in self-service kiosk Axel Mobile Encounter digitalization in healthcare automation self-service solution emergency unit
4 minutes
How can healthcare organizations make the best use of digital tools?
Author Ilari Laaksonen Feb 17, 2023 9:38:44 AM
In many countries, healthcare organizations have hard times ahead because of the issues in their current healthcare systems. In Finland, there are significant problems in the overall patient flow management, which is painfully visible, for example, in joint emergency departments. According to the statistics of the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), emergency department visits in primary healthcare and joint emergency departments have increased by 10.1% and at the same time, the number of long-term clients in health centers has grown by over 21% from 2019 to 2021. These problems have a horizontal impact on the entire treatment chain from access to primary healthcare to finding follow-up treatment.
Finland seeks to solve these problems by regulation. The treatment time guarantee will change in September 2023 when the waiting time will be reduced to 14 days and at the end of 2024 it will be reduced to 7 days. Access to primary healthcare plays a crucial role in solving the challenges of emergency departments, but it’s equally important to ensure patients’ smooth access to follow-up treatment to reduce the pressure on the overloaded emergency services.
Topics: patient flow management patient experience healthcare resource planning healthcare service production digitalization in healthcare lead time
1 minutes
The ABC of optimization in healthcare service production
Author Ilari Laaksonen Oct 19, 2022 3:01:38 PM
Do you know what computers are good at? Computing. Do you know what optimization is? A mathematical problem.
Healthcare service production requires careful planning, and the larger the unit sizes become, the larger is the planning effort required. What does it take to produce efficient healthcare services? In simple terms, patients and professionals need to encounter in the same location – and this location also needs to offer the equipment and materials required, no matter if they’re related to diagnostics, care, or medication.
Topics: patient flow management resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production
4 minutes
What makes an outstanding patient experience in 2022?
Author Antti Tikkanen Mar 2, 2022 10:00:31 AM
Mentally, a patient's path begins already at home, when they receive an appointment reminder or an invitation letter from their healthcare provider. Physically, it starts when the patient arrives at the health center or at the hospital. The first thing that the patient usually encounters is a self check-in kiosk. Developing, delivering, and especially programming of such devices is routine work for us at Axel Health, so I decided to write a short blog post on the key ingredients of designing and implementing a great user experience for a self-service kiosk.
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel Encounter patient experience self check-in self-service kiosk patient path payment
1 minutes
Tips and tricks for healthcare: How to avoid pitfalls in healthcare IT projects
Author Ilari Laaksonen Nov 18, 2021 10:51:22 AM
Almost on a daily basis, we get to read about failed healthcare IT projects in various media. The problem is global. However, the actual software solution provider may not always be the one to blame ‒ instead, the reason may lie in the fact that the healthcare organization doesn’t really know what it is acquiring.
Topics: patient flow management digitalization in healthcare healthcare IT projects
2 minutes
Four excellent reasons to replace Excel in healthcare resource management
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jul 14, 2021 12:38:31 PM
Shift.xlsx, annual plan.xls, resource planning Excel, mighty Excel, smart Excel... The world revolves around spreadsheets. These magical inventions are the primary planning tools in almost every organization. Why? Let’s take a closer look at where Excel works well, and the areas where it’s about time to give up using it for efficient healthcare resource management.
Topics: resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production
2 minutes
Benefits of patient flow management in numbers, part 3
Author Ilari Laaksonen May 4, 2021 9:47:49 AM
In my previous blog posts, I wrote about the benefits of patient flow management in terms of numbers. In part 1, I focused on the benefits of self service at the front desk and in part 2 I discussed the benefits from the healthcare units' perspective.
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel Encounter self-service solution
2 minutes
Tips and tricks for healthcare: How to avoid unnecessary interactions during pandemic
Author Ilari Laaksonen Mar 3, 2021 12:08:21 PM
In healthcare, one of the biggest challenges has always been the organization of diagnostics and treatment of contagious diseases in hospitals and health centers. It’s effective to focus complex healthcare actions requiring a lot of professionals and equipment under one roof. At the same time, because of this way of organizing, a large number of people having an infectious disease, such as influenza or Covid-19, may be sitting in the same waiting room. In that room, one patient can expose many other people to the disease, although a health center should be a place to seek cure for illnesses, not the other way around.
Topics: patient flow management mobile check-in digitalization in healthcare remote appointments
2 minutes
The key elements of a positive patient experience
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jan 25, 2021 1:29:35 PM
Patient experience describes an individual’s experience of their issue, whether it is an illness or an accident, and how healthcare treats that problem. Over the past ten years, many organizations have launched and completed projects to improve the overall patient experience.
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel Planner Axel Encounter patient experience healthcare service production digitalization in healthcare patient path
4 minutes
Benefits of patient flow management in numbers, part 2
Author Ilari Laaksonen Oct 23, 2020 9:01:01 AM
In my previous blog post, I introduced you to the benefits of self service at the front desk, where patients check in, fill out their patient history forms, and pay their invoices. This time, I’ll focus on improving the efficiency of healthcare processes by reducing idle time - and on explaining the calculations involved.
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel Encounter lead time self-service solution
3 minutes
Benefits of patient flow management in numbers, part 1
Author Ilari Laaksonen Sep 28, 2020 8:41:46 AM
What are the key reasons for our customers to implement Axel? The answer is divided in two - for the soft and hard benefits our solution offers. Common soft benefits include improving the patient experience, modernizing the user experience, or increasing operational transparency. Today, however, we are diving into the world of hard benefits – including numbers, spreadsheets, and euros.
Topics: patient flow management Self service Axel Encounter patient experience healthcare resource planning lead time self-service solution
2 minutes
How to be prepared for the second wave of the pandemic in healthcare organizations?
Author Ilari Laaksonen Aug 21, 2020 9:07:53 AM
After being stuck at our homes for the first half of the year avoiding human contact, we’ve all experienced a growing need to be in physical contact with each other. During the hot summer days, beaches, restaurants and nightclubs have been filled with happy people. Mentally, the summer has been good for many of us but the contact with other people has had a negative impact on the management of the corona pandemic.
Topics: Self service mobile check-in Axel Encounter
3 minutes
What are the benefits of mobile check-in compared to traditional self-service kiosks?
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jul 12, 2020 10:19:19 AM
In many healthcare organizations, self check-in to appointments has become a daily routine. Self check-in has clear advantages – it saves healthcare resources from being tied to support-related tasks. Instead, healthcare personnel can focus on more meaningful work.
Topics: Self service mobile check-in Axel Encounter patient experience Axel Mobile Encounter digitalization in healthcare
1 minutes
Excel is dead, long live Axel!
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jul 12, 2020 9:26:02 AM
Excel is used for various purposes in business processes all around the world. This classic solution is very flexible, but it can also become an extremely tedious tool to use – at the latest when the company grows. In many healthcare organizations, resource planning is usually run on Excel. Is this really the most efficient way to do this important planning work or would there be other options?
Topics: resource management Axel Planner optimization healthcare resource planning healthcare service production digitalization in healthcare
4 minutes
10 methods to enhance treatment experience with automation
Author Ilari Laaksonen Jul 12, 2020 8:58:12 AM
The idea of digitalization, automation, and self-service solutions is to reduce employees' workload and routine tasks and to allow them to focus on more meaningful work. Especially in the healthcare sector, there is a clear need for automation - the main task of healthcare professionals is to care for patients and to spend as little time as possible on non-essential bureaucracy and paperwork.