Uoma provides substantial time savings, promotes standardized practices, and offers real-time visibility into patient transfers.
Patient transfers required extensive manual work and time-consuming phone calls, which placed a burden on staff.
The Uoma system automates patient transfers and streamlines the whole process.
Uoma provides substantial time savings, promotes standardized practices, and offers real-time visibility into patient transfers.
The Uoma system supports the Wellbeing services county of North Ostrobothnia in their daily work by making patient transfers more efficient and easier to manage.
The Wellbeing services county of North Ostrobothnia (Pohde) employs over 18,000 professionals and provides comprehensive social and healthcare services across the region. Patient transfers, such as finding beds for patients coming from emergency units, were a critical but time-intensive aspect of daily operations.
Manual processes required staff to make numerous phone calls to different units to secure beds for patients. This took time away from other essential tasks and added to the workload of already busy professionals. "Previously, we had to call around the region to arrange beds for patients. This was very time-consuming and burdensome for the staff," says Markku Yli-Pyky, IT Project Manager at Pohde.
"Introducing Uoma was one of the easiest implementation projects in my career.
The system is simple and intuitive, and users were involved right from the start."
Markku Yli-Pyky
IT Project Manager, Pohde
In 2022, Pohde implemented the Uoma system provided by Axel Health. Uoma automates patient transfers and simplifies arranging care placements by moving transfer requests into a digital system. Uoma automatically finds a follow-up care location and routes the patient, reducing the need for phone calls.
The implementation process was smooth, and the system’s user-focused design received praise: "Introducing Uoma was one of the easiest implementation projects in my career. The system is simple and intuitive, and users were involved right from the start," Yli-Pyky explains.
Uoma has significantly improved patient transfer management in the Wellbeing services county of North Ostrobothnia. Transfer practices have been standardized across the region, which has made the process more efficient and straightforward.
Fewer phone calls mean that staff have more time to focus on other important tasks. Additionally, Uoma offers real-time visibility on patient transfers, making it easier to identify bottlenecks and keep track of bed availability. "Without Uoma, we would have to go back to phone calls, which would take a significant amount of time and resources away from caregiving. This system is invaluable to us," Yli-Pyky concludes.